

退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人管理局提供的教育福利的更多信息 is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.好处 / gibill.


Third-party use of the trademark is restricted to the education and training institutions eligible to receive VA education 好处, State Approving Agencies, and recognized 退伍军人服务组织. 未识别的各方禁止使用 退伍军人权利法》® in any manner that directly or indirectly implies a relationship, affiliation, or 退伍军人事务部的认可.

经授权的第三方可以使用注册商标退伍军人权利法》®’’ in print, electronic, radio, digital, or other media as established by the terms 使用.

的 trademark symbol ‘‘®’’ should be placed at the upper right corner of the trademarked phrase in the most prominent place at first usage; such as the title of a brochure, form, or the very top of a Web page and the following trademark attribution notice must be prominently visible: ‘‘退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 部门 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人管理局提供的教育福利的更多信息 可在美国官方网站下载.S. 政府网站"

Use of the registered trademark symbol is not required each time the mark appears 在单个文档或Web页面上. 然而,符号应该是突出的 所有单独的文档和网页.

Third-party use of the trademark is restricted and subject to the following:

退伍军人权利法》® trademark is not to be incorporated or included in company or product names, trademarks, 商标或互联网域名.

的 term ‘‘退伍军人权利法》®’’ is to be used solely to promote official VA benefit programs 和服务,必须包括适当的商标符号.

Use of the trademark attribution notice, indicating that the mark and all associated services belong to VA, is required and shall be taken as evidence that use of the 马克是诚心诚意的.

任何单位不得使用 退伍军人权利法》® trademark in any manner that directly or indirectly implies a relationship, affiliation, 或者与不存在的VA有关联.

Disparagement or misrepresentations of VA services through use of the mark, or by 严禁使用混淆性相似的措辞.



COVID-19 legislation that permits 学生 to receive MHA at the resident rate, while 参加经批准的转换(在线)课程,将于 2022年6月1日. When enrolling in courses after that date or any subsequent term, 学生 will 需要报名参加 认可住客课程 继续按住院费领取住院费. 此外,如果一个学生 chooses to continue approved training online after 2022年6月1日, their 退伍军人权利法》® 好处, such as monthly housing allowance, will reduce to half the national average, 他们最终可能欠下学校的学费债务.

  • 呸, Monthly Housing Allowance amounts are prorated 基于 on a student’s benefit level 并可根据追捕速度进一步减少. 只支付福利 when the rate of pursuit is more than 50%, and the student is not on active duty.
  • BAH付款—— 的 monthly housing allowance is paid directly to the student at the beginning of 每月为前一个月. MHA支付的是 基于 upon the zip code of the campus or training location where the student physically 参加他们的大部分课程.

更多信息,请访问 呸网站.

Chabot VRC不维护VA福利或付款信息. 如果你需要帮助 or have an inquiry regarding your VA Benefit or payment, please contact the VA Education 谘询电话:1-888-442-4551或透过 退伍军人权利法》®.


后9/11 退伍军人权利法》® -每月注册验证 

1. 什么是每月注册验证?
Enrollment verification is a new requirement for Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》® (Chapter 33) 学生 来验证每一个
month that you are still enrolled in the same courses or training that your school VA认证. 这不是
about verifying that you are attending classes, but whether your certified enrollment 已经改变了.

2. 谁需要核实他们的注册?
所有的后 退伍军人权利法》® 学生 need to 验证注册 every month, but this requirement will be rolled
在2021-2022学年分阶段结束. 目前,每月进行核查 要求是
只适用于911后退伍军人权利法》® 学生 at Institution of Higher 学习 (IHL) and certain NonCollege Degree (NCD) facilities who also receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) 和/或踢球
支付. 后期阶段将包括更多的9/11后人口退伍军人权利法》® 学生.
蒙哥马利 退伍军人权利法》® (第30章)和蒙哥马利 退伍军人权利法》® 入选预备学生(第1606章)
Edith Nourse Rogers 阀杆 Scholarship 学生, and VET TEC 学生 are already required 来验证
他们每月的出勤率. 这些过程没有任何变化.

3. 如果我不验证我的注册会发生什么?
If you fail to submit enrollment verification for two consecutive months, your MHA 和/或踢球
付款将暂停,直到您确认您的注册. 例如,如果你的 学期开始于
February and you fail 来验证 你的登记 for February and March, your April 付款将是
搁置. In order to have your 支付 released, you will need to call the 教育呼叫中心
at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) domestically or 001-918-781-5678 internationally 来验证

4. 我如何验证我的注册?
Students have the option to 验证注册 via text message or email. 弗吉尼亚州强烈 建议使用
text or email, but if these options are unavailable to you, you may call the Education 呼叫中心(ECC)到
验证注册. 请注意,致电投诉投诉中心可能会导致长时间等待 次. 以下是如何验证您的注册的分步指南.



This provision was effective August 1, 2019, and aims to protect 学生 that are 引用911后的第33章  退伍军人权利法》® 好处 or any participants in Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 该计划受益于因VA付款延迟而产生的罚款和费用.
To comply with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, “大学 will 不是:
  1. assess late penalty fees/charges due to delayed disbursements from the 部门 根据第31章或第33章退伍军人事务.
  2. 阻止学生报名上课
  3. require the student to secure alternative or additional funding to cover the applicable 学杂费.
  4. deny the student access to any school resources to include (access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities) that are available to other paid 学生. 
  1. An official 部门 of Veterans Affairs "Certificate of Eligibility" or "Statement of Benefits" from the VA website on or before the first day of class for the semester
  2. Complete a written certification request to be certified for 好处, and
  3. Provide additional information required to ensure proper certification of 好处. 
  4. If there is a difference in the amount of the student's financial obligation to the college and the amount that the student is eligible to receive from the 部门 of Veterans Affairs, the student may incur an additional fee or payment may be required 来弥补差额.